Applicable Agreements

 | Post date: 2024/11/5 | 

Applicable Agreements of Kharazmi University with International Universities and Institutions

In line with enhancing international academic and educational cooperation, Kharazmi University has entered into memorandums of agreements (MoAs) with reputable universities and global institutions. Based on the foundational memorandums of understanding (MOUs) established with various institutions, these agreements cover a broad range of activities, including student and faculty exchanges, joint research projects, specialized courses and workshops, and the development of collaborative academic initiatives.
The primary goal of these agreements is to strengthen Kharazmi University’s position in the international academic community, establish a solid foundation for improving educational and research quality, and offer diverse opportunities for students, faculty, and researchers. These wide-ranging collaborations, which span the fields of basic sciences, engineering, humanities, and management, create an ideal environment for knowledge exchange, the adoption of advanced technologies, and access to contemporary scientific expertise.

The main operational agreements of Kharazmi University are as follows:
  1. Agreement between the Faculty of Biological Sciences of Kharazmi University and the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Technology, Iraq
  2. Agreement between the Faculty of Engineering of Kharazmi University and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Technology, Iraq
  3. Agreement between the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Kharazmi University and the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Technology, Iraq
  4. Agreement between the Faculty of Chemistry of Kharazmi University and the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Technology, Iraq
  5. Agreement between the Faculty of Physics of Kharazmi University and the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Technology, Iraq
  6. Agreement between the Faculty of Earth Sciences of Kharazmi University and the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Technology, Iraq
  7. Agreement between the Cultural Affairs Center of Kharazmi University and the University of Technology, Iraq
  8. Agreement between the Center for International Studies (CIS) of Kharazmi University and the University of Technology, Iraq
  9. Agreement between the Teaching Persian as Foreign Language (TPFL) of Kharazmi University and the University of Technology, Iraq
  10. Agreement between the Innovation and Incubation Center (IIC) of Kharazmi University and the University of Technology, Iraq
  11. Agreement between the Electronics and Open Learning Center (EOLC) of Kharazmi University and the University of Technology, Iraq

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