Visa Application form for International Students

Tracking code of this form: P351-F330-U0-N421050          
[ Print the form ]
1. Please fill out this form in block letters.
2. After completing application form, your request  will be reviewed  within the next 7 or 10 days and Will be sent application Result to your Email.

(*) indicates required fields
:: Personal Details

Name (English)
Name (Persian)
Surname (English)
Surname (Persian)
Male (مذکر - مرد)
Female (مؤنث - زن)
Father’s Name (English)
Father’s Name (Persian)
Date of Birth (Gregorian Date)
Gregorian date:
Date of Birth (Solar Date)

Jalali date

Nationality (English)
Nationality (Persian)
Passport Information

Comments Passport Number Date of Issue Expiry Date
English / Gregorian Date
Persian / solar Date
Visa Issuance Place (English)
(The Place your visa to be issued)
Visa Issuance Place (Persian)
(The Place your visa to be issued)
Acceptance Type (English)
Acceptance Type (Persian)
Marital Status
Single (مجرد)
Married (متأهل)
The University Name (English)
The University Name (Persian)
Your Major (English)
Your Major (Persian)
Current Degree
Bachelor’s Degree (کارشناسی)
Master’s Degree (کارشناسی ارشد)
Doctorate / Ph.D. (دکتری تخصصی)
:: Contact information

Postal Code
Email Address
Your home tel. Number
Your Home Cell Number
Tel Number in Iran
Postal Address (in Iran)
Postal Address (in Iran)
:: Attachment Documents

Personal Photo
photo that is clearly scanned

Allowed extensions : jpg,png - Allowed file size : 1000 KB
Passport (First Page Scan)

Allowed extensions : pdf,jpg,png - Allowed file size : 1000 KB