International Student Registration Process International Student Registration Process

 | Post date: 2021/04/28 | 
International Student Recruitment Office of Kharazmi University (KHU)
Nowadays, welcoming students from other countries (non-Iranian) is considered as one of the main criteria for internationalization of universities. At present, the internationalization of economics, culture, science and technology, and enrolling of foreign students will actively contribute to the global production of science , facilitate the transfer of technology and enrich the education. Even the factors such as the emergence of higher education as a business and the key role of foreign graduates in the cultural and social development of countries of origin and the impact of student mobility in promoting human capital have drawn attention to the hidden advantages of having foreign students at universities.
In addition, the role of multicultural education in enriching education and promoting equality, respect, mutual acceptance and understanding of cultures have doubled the importance of internationalization of higher education. Hence, as one of the foremost and reputable universities in Iran, International Student Recruitment Office of KHU has been established to introduce its academic ability and potentials to international students and convincing them to continue their studies at this university. In addition to enrolling foreign students, KHU tries to strengthen and develop the international scientific and cultural interactions via presenting its scientific and technological capacities to the talented and interested foreign students.
- Recruiting qualified and eligible foreign students by the expert staff of the International Student Recruitment Office after examining the initial scientific certificates and preliminary assessment of their general qualifications and supporting documents accelerating their administrative process.
- Financial support of talented, diligent and privileged foreign students in the form of reduction of academic expenses after the approval of the KHU 's scholarship council to recruit more foreign students in different fields of humanities, basic and engineering sciences of KHU.
- Maximum administrating of foreign elite students by granting the initial travel allowance and other facilities within the rules of KHU.
- Encouraging low-income foreign students to continue their education at KHU through introducing the approved scholarships (scholarships to reduce the educational expenses).
- To coordinate to celebrate the International Day for foreign students every year.
- Providing an international atmosphere for foreign students through granting and provision of appropriate educational facilities, with the approval of the KHU 's scholarship council and the relevant authorities.
- Recruiting international students from different countries through virtual and internet advertising.
- Recruitment and admission of non-Iranian students through  international educational programs of the university with the cooperation of the Teaching Deputy in available courses of the university.
- Identifying the unavailable courses at the university that have the capacity to attract non-Iranian students and follow up on their establishment.
- To introduce the university to the regional and other countries by advertising for the capacities and fields available at KHU.
- Obtaining initial approval for foreign students accepted at Kharazmi University from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
- Providing student services to the non-Iranian students and affording the necessary facilities and coordination for affairs of consulate, residence and ...
- Introducing the international students studying at faculties.
- Consult with faculty Dean, group managers, to accelerate and facilitate the admission process of foreign students, and correspond online with them before the final registration for interviews in order to reduce the expenses of foreign applicants.
- Provide information regarding recruitment of foreign students, available courses and groups at KHU via catalogs and brochures.
- Announcing the account number of foreign students using scholarship to the Department of Student Affairs of the Ministry of Science.
- Welcoming and guiding the new foreign students and on-demand verbal counseling to foreign students about the conditions and costs of studying at KHU.
- Issue the initial conditional admission approval with full details for the international students after the admission process of the training groups.
- Notifying the non-admission of foreign students who are not qualified for continuing education at KHU.
- Issue a bank introducing letter for foreign students to pay for educational expenses and dormitory.
- Introducing foreign students, after final registration and obtaining residency, to the cultural and student affairs and dormitories.
- To make necessary correspondence with the competent authorities for obtaining a residence permit, extension of residence or revocation of residence of foreign students of KHU.
- To provide information on the number of foreign students and their fields of study to attract them more widely at the university website and in brochures and leaflets.
- Collection, compilation and announcement of proposed regulations to the manager of the Department of Scientific and International Cooperation of the University for discussing at the relevant meetings.
- Introducing the university to foreign students after final registration in the ceremony for familiarization with KHU, its faculties and its scientific and educational facilities.
- Receiving foreign students' educational degrees and their initial assessment for submission to Deans of faculties to comment on them.
- Airport welcome and transferring foreign students to dormitory.
- Issue of the initial conditional admission certificate for foreign students and providing them the educational leaflets.
- Initial examination and preparation the relevant documents for foreign students’ applications for obtaining various scholarships at KHU (to reduce educational expenses with special conditions) by the Foreign Student Recruitment Office to be considered at the scholarship council.
- Completion of the forms of the accepted foreign students (in the case of a foreign student's pre-registration).
- Updating the information of different fields of study on site in English and Arabic.
- Performing initial and final registration of foreign students, and receiving and filing their original documents.
- Follow up the process for the issuance of foreign students' study visas and residence permits (issuing the introduction letters to the relevant organizations).
- Coordinating to host international students with university staff.
- Issuance introduction letters for paying the educational costs in exchange in each academic term.
- Reporting the number of foreign students of the university at end of each academic year.
Nationality Diversity of Foreign Students
In the short period of international activities of the Scientific and International Cooperation Division of the KHU as well as the establishment of the International Student Recruitment Office of KHU, the number of foreign applicants of this university has increased to a satisfactory level and currently 160 foreign applicants are being studied or accepted. Foreign students from more than seven countries - Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Italy, Lebanon, Tunisia and India - are studying at different levels and courses at the KHU. The International Student Recruitment Office seeks to increase national diversity to more than 20 countries. Most foreign applicants are from Iraq and Afghanistan. Recent activities of the Foreign Student Recruitment Office has been resulted in introducing applicants from African countries to faculties and departments in order to increase the diversity of international students if they are accepted and attended.
The Admission Process of Non-scholarship Foreign Students at KHU:
- Applicants must refer to the following address:
 They should complete the registration form (the application form is provided in English and Farsi / Persian on the site for foreign applicants), and send it along with other required documentation for admission to the KHU (determining the degree, field of study, and the intended time to start studying is necessary) to the university's email address - ). Students can contact the relevant expert (Mrs. Haghighi: 0098 - 021 – 8834 7822) to follow their affairs.
After considering the documents of foreign applicants and surveying their ID documents in the International Student Recruitment Office, the applicant's application is submitted to the manager of the Scientific and International Cooperation Division for assessment, and then, if approved, it will be sent to the faculty and the relevant department for review. The relevant department, after reviewing it in a meeting and an online interview with the applicant, will inform the result to the International Student Recruitment Office. If the applicant is eligible, they will acknowledge the applicant via email.  The applicant shall complete the student visa form from the site of:
and send it to the email ( ) along with the latest copy of his / her passport. Applicants must submit all the required documents to the International Student Recruitment Office only by email.
- If the foreign student, after receiving his / her conditional admission certificate, needs to pay by instalments or reduce the academic expenses as special scholarships at KHU, he / she must submit his application in English or Farsi with the necessary documents to the university's email address:  ( ), so that the International Student Recruitment Office will assess and send them to the university’s scholsrships Council, for their comment.
Documents Required for the Recruitment of Foreign Students
- The applicant's CV in Farsi / Persian or English (mentioning the email address and telephone number of the applicant is necessary.)
- The application form should be typed and required field of study and degree level as well as the term of study should be mentioned. (documents to be attached and sent to .
- Refer to the admission menu for foreign students on the KHU website to:
And filling out the application form of foreign student administration at Kharazmi University (in Persian / Farsi or English) and sending it along with other needed documents to:
- A photo that is clearly scanned,
- For admission to Ph.D., Master's and Bachelor's degrees: Scanning the following documents with the marks lists is required as follows:
1- Master's and Bachelor degrees. (For Ph.D. Applicants)
2- Bachelor's degree. (For Applicants of the Master's Degree)
3- Diploma. (For applicants of undergraduate courses)
4- Evidence of adequate Persian language proficiency, if available (for students studying in Persian language).
5- Evidence of adequate English language proficiency, if available. (For students studying in English).
Phone and Email of the International Student Recruitment Office of Kharazmi University  (for corresponding with):
Dr. Memar (Head of the International Admissions and Students Services Office)
Mrs. Haghighi (Senior Staff of the International Admissions and Students Services Office)
Telephone: 0098 – 021 – 81581024
Email add. to send documents of foreign student to the International Student Recruitment Office of KHU:

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