International Polytechnic Summer School 2021
Get to know more about International Polytechnic Summer School:
Option 1 - online. Over
40 summer school courses scheduled for the season 2021 will be held
online. The full list of online courses and their descriptions are available
on our website.
Participation fee of an online course (avg): 135 euro per week.
Option 2 - hybrid. Due to massive and continuous vaccination in Russia and resuming international air and railway service with
23 countries we offer a
hybrid online/on-campus summer school option to students holding citizenship of:
the United Kingdom, Tanzania, Turkey, Switzerland, Egypt, Maldives, the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Korea, Cuba, Serbia, Japan, the Seychelles, Ethiopia, Vietnam, India, Qatar, Finland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Greece, Singapore. They
can join any online summer course for 135 euro per week (+3300 Rub for reg. fee) but
come to St. Petersburg to take touristic advantages for the duration of the program and attend online classes at their dormitory/hostel.
Option 3 – tailor-made. We may also arrange a
tailor-made on-campus program for a group of minimum 10 students holding nationality of the countries Russia resumed international air and railway service with.