The International Relations Office- News
Representatives of University of Technology- Iraq visited the Institute of Plasma Physics at Kharazmi University

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On Wednesday, February 10, 1402, from 9:30 AM to 12 PM, a joint session was held between the Institute of Plasma Physics at Kharazmi University and representatives from University of Technology- Iraq, Baghdad. The session aimed to explore common areas of collaboration and included a visit to the laboratories of the Institute of Plasma Physics at Kharazmi University.

The Iraqi delegation was warmly welcomed by Prof. Mahdian, the head of the Institute of Medical Plasma Physics. The Iraqi representatives first visited the basic and advanced laboratories of the Institute of Plasma Physics. Dr. Hajisharifi provided an overview of the Institute’s programs and introduced the machines and equipment of the relevant laboratories.

After visiting the laboratories and learning about the ongoing projects at the Institute, the Iraqi delegation was led to the meeting room of the Institute. A joint session was held with the presence of Prof. Mahdian, the head of the Institute, Prof. Majlesara, the head of the Faculty of Physics, and members of the Institute’s faculty.

During this session, after reaching agreements on educational aspects such as attracting students in the field of medical plasma and facilitating study opportunities, the establishment of an advanced medical plasma laboratory at University of Technology was discussed. Both parties reached agreements after reviewing the conditions.

Among the most important projects agreed upon by both parties in this session were studies in the field of induced laser plasma, the use of lasers in plasma diagnostic systems, plasma interaction with liquids, and plasma and biological sensors.
Dr. Ali Azimi, the Director of the International Relations Center of the Kharazmi University, was also present at this session.

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