The International Relations Office- Notifications
International Summer School of Junior Academy of Sciences (Ukraine) International Summer School of Junior Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2021/05/4 | 
International Summer School on Remote Sensing

What you will learn:
• What is Remote Sensing? How do satellites, aircraft, and UAVs take thousands of Earth’s Images every day? What is the Copernicus Academy of the European Space Agency and how can it help you to become a real researcher?
• Types of satellites orbiting our planet and the purposes they are used for.
• What are the diff erences bet ween satellite imagery and which images suit your purposes the best?
• What is a spectral curve and how is sunlight refl ected from diff erent types of surfaces?
• Color theory. How to combine diff erent colors in satellite images to see what people would never see with their naked eyes.
• Mathematical calculations, which should be made using images to analyze the condition of forests, soil moisture, or the consequences of large fi res (don’t be afraid of mathematics, it’s not diffi cult).
When: June 21-26.
School language: English (Intermediate and above).
Venue: ZOOM.
Age of participants: 14-17 years.

For more information, send email to
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